Low Calorie Foods That Fill You Up Rapidly


ou will never achieve your weight loss goals if you continually feel hungry throughout the day. Whether this hunger is caused by a reduction in the quantities of food you eat, or the types of foods you eat due to a particular diet program, that hunger will eventually wear you down. You will not only start overeating, but you will likely start eating all the wrong foods causing you to forfeit any weigh loss gains you had already made. Lets explore some easy ways to circumvent those hunger pains.
Calorie dense vs low calorie dense foods:

You will achieve the greatest weight loss if you are able to eat your meals and continually feel full and satisfied afterwards. This will lead you to eat less overall. However, contrary to popular opinion, high calories do not help you feel full. All high calories foods do is cause you to gain excess weight. To lose weight, you need to be able to eat generous portions of low calorie foods that will fill you up.
Aim for foods that are high in both water and fiber content:

You will notice a common theme here – all the best foods to lose weight with are those that are high in water content and the worst ones are those that are dry (even the dried fruit). This is because the high water content in these foods help to fill you up. They fill your stomach quicker than dried foods so that you begin to feel full sooner and therefore eat less overall. The other common trait is they are also high in fibre. Fibre has little to no calories and is another excellent way to create that full feeling.
Eat an appetizer to lose weight

Not only is what you eat important in creating that full and satisfied feeling following a meal, but so is when you eat it. Research has shown that dieters who ate an appetizer prior to their meals were 60% more likely to consume less overall calories during a meal. Now imagine the results you can have if you not only consume less during the meal, but you make that appetizer a low calorie, high fibre one. Try having a broth soup prior to your meals.

Far too often we see clients who have failed numerous diets because they could not stick to a program that left them feeling hungry all day. Successful marketers know that in order to make sales, they need to impress the consumer with what appears to be the latest and greatest product. So to sell the various diet supplements you see addressed, they dress them up with fancy names to describe how they work. But lost in all that marketing hype are the simple and proven methods for weight loss and hunger reduction. The weight loss methods we have presented you with here are ones that have been proven to be medically and scientifically sound. They have been extracted from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.